Jun 30, 2019
The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews
Upcoming shows: Played: Assassins Creed Odyssey; Top 5s: Ultra Violent games, Platformers, N64 games, Games that defeated us, VR Games
Music includes: Assassin's
Creed Odyssey: Legend of the Eagle Bearer (Main Theme by The
Links: Show notes...
Jun 23, 2019
The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews
Upcoming shows: Played: Assassins Creed Odyssey; Top 5s: Ultra Violent games, Platformers, N64 games, Games that defeated us, VR Games
Music includes: Zero Tolerance (David Holmes)
Links: Show notes - http://bit.ly/gameburstnewsnotes
Jun 16, 2019
Andi, Gary and Jerome look back at this year’s UK Games Expo at the NEC, Birmingham where 25K plus attended the world's third largest board game convention. #GBUnplugged
To enter the competition: LIKE for Keyforge and RETWEET for Days of Wonder
Music includes :To Dream Again (Orbital)
Jun 9, 2019
The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews
Poll: Replay - http://www.strawpoll.me/18077225
Music includes Payback (James Brown)
Links: Show notes - http://bit.ly/gameburstnewsnotes