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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Nov 28, 2013

In part one of the GameBurst Replay special, we look at the racing and downloadable games from Microsoft and Sony’s launch line-ups back in 2005 and 2006.

The ‘Face Off’ episodes were recorded in two separate sessions and feature contributions from Andi, Chris, Gary, Neil, Karl Moon (Cane & Rinse) and you, the...

Nov 24, 2013


Andi, Mij & Jerome are back with all the latest news in what has been a fascinating build up to the new console launches: including, Xbox One’s missing audio and lack of; new console apps; PS4 sells 1m but PSN security concerns return; two big Eurogamer events in 2014; and all the gaming news and notable...

Nov 17, 2013

Neil, Gary & Jerome bring all the latest news in the week the PS4 was released in the USA: including, mixed reviews for Sony's first party games; bumper PS Plus; increased gamerscore for Xbox One games; no Sky Player on Xbox One; Miiverse comes to 3DS and all the Xbox One...

Nov 14, 2013


Join the new GameBurst Quiz Master, James 'Mijmeister' Perkins in this epic edition of the GameBurst Quiz.

This month, we present to you a 5-man Battle Royale featuring Jon Salmon (GeekWad), Scott Eunson, Willie Thomson (Console Ninjas), Darren Gargette (Cane & Rinse) and Joshua Garrity (Cane & Rinse).

Round 1 -...

Nov 12, 2013

This month Gary, Jerome & Joel review the popular iOS and tabletop thematic dice rolling game: Elder Sign. We also find time to talk about some of our gaming highlights of the month and report on the recent 24 hour charity board gaming event Joel and Gary took part in.

Show Links:

Charity Event - Just Giving...