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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Apr 28, 2011

GameBurst Replay - Knights of the Old Republic. 

On this months GameBurst Replay Gary is joined by James and two listeners. Andrew ‘SystemicBabble' Anderson and Chris'Legoftime' Eason. 

This month's Replay poll will be for the 'Replay Game of the Month' for June. To vote please tweet to @GameBurst (#gbreplay)...

Apr 24, 2011

[News] James, Neil and Lewis go through this weeks news including, Nintendo Weekly Wii Woundup, Apple’s App store is killing off gaming. PSP Go-es away. Sonic - ! COD wont die! also something about Resident Evil 6 but after Sonic the Hedgehog & shooty shooty news I had lost the will to live! probably something about...

Apr 21, 2011

This week, James speaks to SpecialEffect vice president and GamesAid ambassador Kirsty Payne about how the games industry and gamers themselves can contribute to charity.

For more information on SpecialEffect and GamesAid head to or

For more on...

Apr 17, 2011

Man Down, Man Down, Half Life 3! Mass MMO news. GH RIP........Maybe? Sony and Geo make up. XBox going free to play and Wii Getting a price cut?

Bag O’ Swag news update.

George Hirst is this weeks GameBurst iTunes Hero...

Apr 14, 2011

[Roundtable] This weeks roundtable is the result of an email conversation spilling out over facebook and twitter after Neil raised the issue of what was retro gaming? With the help of Gary, Lewis and some of our listeners I think  we get to a moderate conclusion?

This eipsode could also be called 2...