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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Feb 22, 2015

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews 

Feb 19, 2015

Gary and Joel are joined by Andi, in his hotel room (on what's probably the worst mobile connection we've ever had), to review XCOM The Board Game.

Feb 15, 2015

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Feb 12, 2015

Gary, Neil & special guest Daan Koopman ask what's going on with video games media and games criticsm? #GBRoundtable 

Feb 8, 2015

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news.