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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Apr 26, 2020

Chris, Gary and Neil review the week's video game headlines plus our picks of the week: including THAT Xbox Series X logo. 

Music includes Blue Sky (Mr. Scruff)

Apr 19, 2020

The GameBurst team review the week's news plus our video gaming highlights of the week. #GameBurstNews

Music includes: The Shortcut (Clark:Hartnoll)

Apr 12, 2020

Happy Bunny Day. Chris, Gary and Neil review the top video game news stories of the week, plus our pick of the week. #gameburstnews

Music includes: Go tell it to the tress eggheads (Future Sound of London)

Apr 5, 2020

Gary, Jerome and Neil discuss the latest video game news, plus our pick of the week. #GameBurstNews

Music includes The Staunton Lick (Lemon Jelly)