Sep 30, 2012
[News] With the rest of the team enjoying Eurogamer Expo, James and Neil are joined by a special guest this week: Chris Dring, associate editor of MCV and James' boss! Together, the trio discusses the latest gaming headlines including: Reggie's prediction that Wii can still sell millions, divided opinions over Windows...
Sep 27, 2012
[Quiz] The monthly quiz returns as James pits Joshua Garrity and Karl Moon of Cane & Rinse against Alex Shaw and Sharon Shaw of GonzoPlanet and DorkCast. Tune in for the usual news round, a slightly unbalanced music round, a gaming Blankety Blank and the always-evil Defend the...
Sep 23, 2012
[News] James, Gary and Andi discuss the latest gaming headlines including a double-helping of Sony news and a four-course meal of RPG news. PlayStation Plus is coming to Vita and a new super-slim PS3 is announced. Meanwhile, Capcom announces a Dragon's Dogma expansion, Square Enix details the Final Fantasy 25th...
Sep 20, 2012
[Roundtable]This week's roundtable is the ever popular 'Top 5', this time it's top 5 FPS games. With Gary, Mij, Chris and Neil.
Sep 15, 2012
[News] James, Gary and Andi discuss the latest gaming headlines including the long-awaited launch plans for Wii U, the bundles and games that will be available when the console arrives and why the naysayers are wrong. We also talk about the end of the Gamestation brand, the debut of Steam Big Picture and a £900 leather...