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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Jul 31, 2015

The GameBurst Quiz returns with a summer special!

James 'The Mijmeister' Perkins is in the quizmaster chair and brings you this months triple threat match!

The contestants:

Katie Stubbs (@katiee120)

Scott Eunson (@darthcuddles)

Derrick Ritchie (@thenewdelboy)

Get involved!

Twitter: @GameBurst


Jul 26, 2015

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Jul 23, 2015

Gary, Andi and Joel review the 2015 SPJ winner Colt Express. We also chat about Nations: The Dice Game, Battlestar Galactica and Forbidden Stars.


Jul 19, 2015

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Jul 16, 2015

Gary, Andi and Jerome review the 3DS tactical JRPG Fire Emblem Awakening. #GBReplay

You can vote for August's game here: