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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Jul 31, 2016

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Jul 28, 2016

Gary, Jerome and Mij share our, and our listeners, top 5 3DS games to play. #GBTop5 #GBRoundtable

Jul 24, 2016

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Jul 21, 2016

Mij is back with the GameBurst Quiz for Summer 2016!

Tonight's contestants:

Stu & DRB from The Renaissance Men


Chris & Dits from The Same Coin

Jul 17, 2016

[Corrected Version] Video game news from the GameBurst team for 17th July 2016.