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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Oct 30, 2011

[News] Neil, Gary and Lewis go through this weeks gamign news including,
Nintendo Losses and 3DS sales figures
GT 5 in LA from multiple players
Sony splashes the cash.
E.A. Origin gets a little bigger.
Speed Run Tastic
PS Vita needs memory but wont be very...

Oct 27, 2011

On this weeks GameBurst Rountable discussion, Gary, Lewis and James ‘Mijmeister’ Perkins from he IDKFA podcast, chat about the silly season on games that is now apon us.

What are our plans to take on the onslaught of AAA titles, what we will, might and wont be picking up and how on earth will we find the time to...

Oct 23, 2011

[News] The team discuss the latest gaming headlines including:

Golden Joystick Awards winners

Nintendo ready 3D video recording for 3DS

WoW players get Diablo III for free

PS3 piracy dongle

Next generation console gossip

Oct 20, 2011

[Roundtable] Neil, James and Gary discuss how mutliplayer modes are evolving beyond the traditional realms of straight deathmatches. What new innovations have publishers introduced over the years to give splitscreen and online action a fresh spin? And more importantly, which ones have worked?

Oct 16, 2011

[News] James, Neil and Gary discuss the latest gaming headlines, including;

PSN attack on dormant accounts

Microsoft buys Twisted Pixel

Zynga to create its own games portal

Burnout Crash and GTA III coming to iOS

Rocksmith delayed in Europe - and no importing

Mass Effect multiplayer detailed

AND The result for...