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GameBurst is a short, sharp, bitesize chunk of audible bliss on the hobby of playing games on console, computer, mobile and tabletop.

Feb 24, 2019

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Music includes Tiny Foldable Cities (Orbital)
Links: Show notes -

Poll: Replay -

Feb 21, 2019

Gary and Jerome review Super Smash Bros Ultimate for #GBPlayed and finally review Firewatch for #GBReplay

Music includes: Lifelight (SSBU)

Feb 17, 2019

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Music includes: Dreams (Fleetwood Mac)
Links: Show notes -

Feb 14, 2019

(audio corrected version)

Jerome, James and Gary share the GameBurst team's stop 5 first person shooters; plus listener suggestions. #GBRoundtable

Music includes: Will The Circle Be Unbroken (Bioshock Infinite); Kids with Guns (Gorillaz)

Feb 10, 2019

The GameBurst team present the latest video game news. #GameBurstNews

Music includes: Crossword Puzzle (Sly Stone)
Links: Show notes -